175 research outputs found

    Productivity of sugarcane plants of ratooning with fertilizing treatment

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan produktivitas tebu keprasan dengan perlakuan pemupukan input eksternal rendah, sehingga petani dapat meningkatkan keuntungan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Blok Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan empat perlakuan dan tiga ulangan (4x3). Tebu varietas R 579 ditanam pada masing-masing plot percobaan seluas 5x5 meter2. Dosis pupuk: P0 = 3,6 kg/plot yaitu 100% dosis penggunaan pupuk kimia yang digunakan oleh petani. Selanjutnya dosis: P1 (75%) = 2,7 kg/plot, P2 (50%) = 1,8 kg/plot dan P3 (0,25%) = 0,9 kg/plot, masing-masing dilengkapi dengan 5 mL pupuk organik cair plot/tahun. Tanaman tebu dengan berbagai perlakuan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan. Produktivitas tertinggi dicapai pada dosis P2 (pupuk kimia 50% plus pupuk organik) adalah 21,67 kg/m2. Pupuk kimia dapat dihemat 700 kg/ha/tahun atau Rp 997.500 per tahun. Tambahan biaya pupuk cair organik Rp 100.000 per tahun hektar dan tenaga kerja Rp 100.000 per hektar, sehingga keuntungan tambahan petani dari tabungan pupuk Rp. 797.500 per tahun. Kata kunci: tanaman tebu, keprasan, pemupukan, keuntungan


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    Competence is a set of knowledge, skills, and behaviors that teachers or lecturers must possess, appreciate, and master in carrying out professional duties. Lecturers as professional educators are required to have competence as the spearhead of the teaching and learning process. Teuku Umar University (UTU), as one of the state universities in Aceh Province, is required to improve its lecturers' competence by looking at the role of knowledge sharing, motivation, and need-for-cognition of its lecturers. This study aimed to analyze the effect of knowledge sharing, motivation, and need for cognition on lecturers' competence at UTU by using Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results showed that knowledge sharing and need-for-cognition had a positive effect on the lecturers' commitment, while motivation had no positive effect on lecturer commitment. However, motivation had a positive effect on lecturers' knowledge sharing, while need-for-cognition had no positive effect on lecturers' knowledge sharing. Based on the research results, UTU should facilitate its lecturers to carry out knowledge sharing activities that could be implemented through knowledge management. As for need-for-cognition, it is expected that UTU would create a new cognitive need, such as holding new knowledge competitions or rewards for lecturers who find discoveries. Keywords: competence, knowledge sharing, motivation, need-for-cognition, SEM-PL

    Pengemasan Pangan

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    Pengaruh Penerapan Strategi Solusi Bisnis Financial Ecosystem Untuk Nasabah Segmen Institusi Terhadap Pendapatan Bisnis (Studi Kasus PT Bank Negara Indonesia)

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    The business strategy develops according to the company's current developments. One of the strategies used in the banking business to be competitive is the differentiation strategy. Various developments in the current situation have led to changes in the need for banking. BNI continues to carry out different and innovative strategies to meet the needs of its customers. BNI through the Institutional Banking Division always implements a financial ecosystem business solution strategy for institutional segment customers. This business strategy can also increase banking business revenue. The financial ecosystem business solution strategy requires a more in-depth study to measure the effect of this strategy in generating optimal business income. This research was conducted using statistical analysis, namely the PLS Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of the study show that the strategic solutions for the business financial ecosystem carried out have a significant positive effect on business income. This will directly or indirectly affect BNI's business revenue

    Strategi Keberlanjutan Pemanfaatan Biogas Industri Tapioka di PD XYZ

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    Limbah industri tapioka berasal dari proses pencucian dan proses ekstraksi yang kaya akan kandungan bahan organik seperti pati, serat protein, dan gula. Komponen limbah ini merupakan bagian sisa pati yang tidak terekstrak dan komponen selain pati yang terlarut dalam air. Salah satu upaya pemanfaatan gas hasil industri tapioka dapat digunakan sebagai sumber bioenergi. Pemanfaatan teknologi anaerobik dengan memberikan perlakuan tertentu terhadap limbah cair tapioka dapat meningkatkan produksi biogas dan kadar gas metan yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi status keberlanjutan biogas, mengetahui faktor eksternal dan internal biogas, dan memformulasi alternatif strategi keberlanjutan untuk menyokong implementasi biogas pada industri tapioka. Penentuan responden dilakukan secara purposive random sampling. Responden berasal dari divisi pemasaran, operasional, administrasi, keuangan, dan pakar pada bidang terkait dengan total 6 responden. Untuk memperoleh strategi terbaik, studi kasus pada perusahaan agroindustri tapioka di PD XYZ, Pesawaran, Lampung, menggabungkan analisis keberlanjutan, analisis SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), dan analisis QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix).  Untuk skala multidimensi, biogas memiliki status “cukup berkelanjutan” dan dengan analisis SWOT dan didapatkan delapan faktor internal dan delapan faktor eksternal. Strategi terbaik ialah menyusun kerangka konseptual terintegrasi dengan melibatkan seluruh stakeholders dalam pengembangan biogas


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    PT Freeport Indonesia (PT FI) applies strict rule to prevent vehicle accident. In fact, the number of vehicle accident is recorded highly enough. The objectives of the research are to (1) identify the most influential factor to the number of light vehicle accident; (2) formulate the right planning to reduce the number of light vehicle accident; (3) provide recommendation to PT FI management to reduce the number of light vehicle accident at PT FI. The research applies used primary and secondary data resource. Secondary data taken from report data of vehicle accident is grouped using Contributory Factor Interaction Model (CFIM) to identify the causing factor of the accidents cause. Afterwards, identification of program improvement planning is conducted using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The result of the research conveys that the most influential factor of light vehicle accident at PT FI is unsafe behavior of the driver. The right planning to reduce the number of light vehicle accident at PT FI, it is suggested to is conduct the human resources planning by providing training to improve soft skill and hard skill of the driver. Based on this influential factor and the AHP result, the right planning as a recommendation to PT FI Management to reduce the number of light vehicle accident is by applying short- and long-term human resources planning. Keywords: vehicle accident, ahp, cfim, prevention, light vehicle operatio

    Electricity Supply Strategy for PT Freeport Indonesia’s Production Expansion

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    PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) plans to build a new power generation facility in the face of production expansion, especially underground mine and mill optimization, which has an impact on increasing the demand for electricity up to 374.8 MW. The selection of the right type of power plant, will greatly determine the continuity of the electricity supply operation. There are many things to consider, making it difficult for companies to determine the type of new power plant. Therefore, this study aims to (1) determine the most important factors to consider in the construction of PTFI's new power plant; (2) provide recommendations for the choice of the best type of new power plant for PTFI. This study uses the method of literature review, expert interviews and questionnaires, which are processed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The results of the study indicate that conformity with the existing power generation facilities and support from government policies are the most important factors and sub-factors that must be considered by PTFI in the construction of new power plants in the Special Mining Business License (IUPK) area. The recommended type of new power plant is the Dual Fuel Power Plant (DFPP). Keywords: analytical hierarchy process, consideration factors, electricity supply strategy, power generation, production expansio

    Analisis Tekno Ekonomi Industri Kecil untuk Akses ke Lembaga Perbankan (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Kecap Damai di Purwokerto)

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    In 1997 Indonesia experienced an economic crisis which is started with the decrease in value of Rupiah towards the US Dollar. Many industries were closed, but a lot of small and medium scale industries survived and still exist until now. One of them is “Damai” kecap industry in Purwokerto. For most of small and medium scale industries, the limited capital is one of the problems to developing their business. There were several requirements to gain access to banking services, such as current ratio (CR), debt equity ratio (DER) and value of warranty. To establish a kecap industry a working capital of Rp. 62.099.500,- is needed to fulfill a one-month operational cost. Fixed assets require approximately Rp. 211.350.000,- (excluding land), so the total capital needed is Rp. 273.449. 500,-. The marketing analysis shows that the break-even point (BEP) of the kecap industry is 14.625 bottles or approximately Rp. 68.471.671,-, and CR is 165,90%. It means that the kecap industry should be able (liquid) to settle current liabilities from its current assets. The banks ask for a minimum current ratio of 120,00%. DER of this kecap industry is 20,45%, which means that the kecap industry has enough capital to settle its liabilities. The banks ask for maximum DER of 200,00%. In order to enlarge its business, the industry needs to increase its capacity. It means that “Damai” kecap Industry needs an extra credit from bank or kecap industry can cooperate with the third party as investor. An industry needs a lot of time to gain credit from a bank. The “Damai” kecap Industry can obtain extra credit of  Rp. 100.000.000,- from its land and building because their value is more than Rp. 400.000.000,-

    Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Bisnis Jasa Konstruksi (Studi Kasus: PT Tri Manunggal Karya)

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    Increasing competition of construction business in Indonesia forces PT Tri Manunggal Karya (PT TMK) to innovate to survive in the construction industry. One way is by having a competitive strategy for its business development. As a holding company, a proper strategy is highly required by PT TMK to open up market opportunities for the company and its subsidiaries and to avoid the risk of business failure and financial losses. This study aims to analyze internal and external factors and analyze the priority strategies for PT TMK development. The analytical methods used were Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Analysis, External Factor Evaluation (IFE) Analysis, Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Analysis. The result shows that the external condition of PT TMK is in a high position in responding to opportunities and threats. Its internal figures are in a strong stand in utilizing strengths and overcoming its weaknesses. Opportunity in the company's industry can be concluded because infrastructure development and competent human resources are still limited in the Eastern parts of Indonesia. The threats are post-pandemic conditions and fast-growing construction technology. The result of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) shows the strategy of acquiring new business units is considered as the main priorities, followed by expansion out of Java Island

    The Effect of Motivation and Competence Factor For Improving Patent Examiner Employee Performance

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    The human resources who have motivation and competence are success determinants in achieving organizational goals, and those goals will be achieved if the employees demonstrate high performance at work. Several factors that affect performance are motivation and competence. The performance of Patent Examiners at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property DGIP – Ministry of Law and Human Rights (KEMENKUMHAM) tends to decline. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of motivation and competence on improving the performance of Patent Examiners in the Directorate of Patent, Layout Design of Integrated Circuit, and Trade Secret – DGIP. There were 92 Patent Examiners as respondents, and the method used in this study was sampling technique using proportional random sampling. The data analysis descriptive analysis of respondents, validity and reliability tests, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with Partial Least Square (PLS). The variables are motivation, competence, and performance. The results of the study show that motivation and competence variables are factors that affect the performance improvement of Patent Examiners in the Directorate of Patent, Layout Design of Integrated Circuit, and Trade Secret – DGIP. The results of this study comprises : 1) motivation influences the performance of Patent Examiners, 2) competence influence on the performance of Patent Examiners, 3) motivation affects the competence of Patent Examiners, 4) competence influences the motivation of Patent Examiners, 5) motivation and competence together affect the performance of Patent Examiners, 6) the main priorities on improving the performance of Patent Examiners are training and quality development of the employees. Keywords: competence, motivation, performance, performance improving, Patent Examiner employe